Monitoring CIFS File System I/O Performance with cifsiostat

Description: cifsiostat is a tool used to monitor the I/O performance of CIFS file systems.


cifsiostat [ options ] [ <interval> [ <count> ] ] [ mount point ]

Overview: cifsiostat is a tool for monitoring I/O performance of CIFS (Common Internet File System) file systems, similar to iostat. It is part of the sysstat package and is specifically designed to display I/O statistics for CIFS client mount points. CIFS is a network file-sharing protocol based on SMB (Server Message Block), commonly used in Windows environments but also supported by Linux and other operating systems.


  • -k Show I/O activity statistics in kilobytes per second instead of blocks per second.
  • -m Show I/O activity statistics in megabytes per second.


  • Interval The time interval (in seconds) between each output.
  • Count The total number of outputs.
  • Mount Point Show I/O activity statistics for a specific mount point.


1 Display I/O activity statistics for all CIFS mount points:


    2 Output statistics every 5 seconds for a total of 10 times:

    cifsiostat 5 10

    3 Show statistics for a specific mount point:

    cifsiostat /mnt/cifs

    4 View I/O statistics for two mount points:

    cifsiostat /mnt/shared /mnt/backup

    The output of cifsiostat is similar to iostat, including the number of read and write operations, the amount of data read and written, the average I/O size, and I/O wait times. An example output is shown below:

    Example Output:

    Filesystem: /mnt/cifs
    rMB/s    wMB/s    rIO/s    wIO/s   rSizeKB   wSizeKB
    0.000    0.012    1.00     10.00   0.00      4.00

    Explanation of Fields:

    rMB/s MB read per second.
    wMB/s MB written per second.
    rIO/s Number of read I/O requests per second.
    wIO/s Number of write I/O requests per second.
    rSizeKB Average size (in KB) of each read operation.
    wSizeKB Average size (in KB) of each write operation.



    语  法:cifsiostat [ 选项 ] [ <时间间隔> [ <次数> ] ] [挂载点]

    补充说明:cifsiostat 是一个用于监控 CIFS (Common Internet File System) 文件系统的 I/O 性能的工具,类似于 iostat。它是 sysstat 软件包的一部分,专门用来显示 CIFS 客户端挂载点的 I/O 统计信息。CIFS 是一种基于 SMB(Server Message Block)的网络文件共享协议,主要用于跨网络共享文件和打印机,通常在 Windows 环境中使用,但也支持 Linux 和其他操作系统。


    -k           显示I/O活动统计信息以千字节每秒为单位,而不使用块每秒

    -m          显示I/O活动统计信息以兆字节每秒为单位

    参  数:

    时间间隔            每隔几秒输出一次统计信息

    次数                    总共输出几次统计信息

    挂载点                只显示特定挂载点的I/O活动统计信息


    显示当前所有 CIFS 挂载点的 I/O 活动统计信息:


    每隔 5 秒输出一次统计信息,总共 10 次:

    cifsiostat 5 10


    cifsiostat /mnt/cifs

    查看两个挂载点的 I/O 统计信息:

    cifsiostat /mnt/shared /mnt/backup

    cifsiostat 输出的内容类似于 iostat,包括读写操作次数、读写的数据量、平均 I/O 大小、I/O 等待时间等。示例输出如下:

    Filesystem: /mnt/cifs

    rMB/s    wMB/s    rIO/s    wIO/s   rSizeKB   wSizeKB

    0.000    0.012    1.00     10.00   0.00      4.00


    rMB/s           每秒读取的 MB

    wMB/s         每秒写入的 MB

    rIO/s             每秒读取的 I/O 请求次数

    wIO/s           每秒写入的 I/O 请求次数

    rSizeKB       平均每次读取的大小(KB)

    wSizeKB      平均每次写入的大小(KB)