NFS I/O Monitoring with nfsiostat: A Quick Guide

The nfsiostat command is a tool for displaying I/O statistics for each NFS (Network File System) mount point on the client. Similar to iostat, it helps monitor NFS performance by providing real-time data on the I/O activities of mounted NFS points.


nfsiostat [ interval [ count ] ] [ options ] [ <mount point> ]


On Ubuntu, you can install nfsiostat by running the following command:

sudo apt install nfs-common

Key Options

  • -a, --attr: Displays statistics related to the attribute cache.
  • -d, --dir: Displays statistics related to directory operations.
  • -p, --page: Displays statistics related to the page cache.
  • -s, --sort: Sorts NFS mount points by operations per second (ops/second), useful for identifying the most active I/O points.
  • -l LIST, --list=LIST: Only displays statistics for the first LIST number of mount points, allowing a focused view of key NFS points.


  • interval: Sets the time interval (in seconds) between reports. The command will keep running until manually stopped or until the specified count of reports is reached.
  • count: Specifies the total number of reports to generate before terminating.
  • mount point: The NFS mount point(s) to monitor. You can specify one or more mount points to view detailed statistics for specific NFS mounts instead of all mounted NFS points by default.


  • Report I/O statistics every 5 seconds, for a total of 10 times:
nfsiostat 5 10

Identify which mount points have the highest I/O activity:

nfsiostat -s

Print statistics for the first 2 mount points:

nfsiostat -l 2

View I/O statistics for the /mnt/nfs mount point:

nfsiostat /mnt/nfs

This tool provides a valuable way to monitor the performance of NFS mounts in real time, helping system administrators identify potential bottlenecks and optimize their NFS configurations.


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