
具体来说,停止运行中的 Docker 容器会终止容器内部的进程,释放相关的资源(如 CPU 和内存),但容器的文件系统和状态会被保留,就像 VirtualBox 虚拟机关机后硬盘数据依然保存一样,除非进行删除(rm)操作。


  • 停止(stop):完全终止容器内的进程,相当于电源关闭,容器在下次启动后会重新开始其配置的入口进程。
  • 暂停(pause):冻结容器内的所有进程,进程状态保持,但并不释放资源,暂停的容器可以恢复继续运行,类似于 VirtualBox 的暂停(Suspend)功能。

Methods for Website Internationalization (Providing Multi-language Content)

For websites that use server-side templating engines (e.g., Laravel’s Blade) to render HTML documents, the approach to localization (internationalization) is as follows: For common pages like login and registration, you can use the __() function to translate text based on the lang= query parameter passed from the frontend. For other pages, the language-specific views should be placed in directories like resources/views/{language_code} (for Laravel) or public/{language_code} (where “public” refers to the web root directory).

For fully decoupled applications, such as those where the frontend is developed using MVVM frameworks like Vue.js or React.js for SPAs, and the backend is built with Laravel to provide APIs, localization methods differ. In this case, you should add language-specific subdomains at the domain level, such as cn.vuejs.org for the Chinese Vue.js site, ja.vuejs.org for the Japanese site, with the default vuejs.org serving the English version. Additionally, the database should support language-specific partitioning, where each language code has its own set of tables or databases.




<div lang='zh_CN'>中文内容……</div>
<div lang='fr'>法文内容……</div>


对于前后端完全分离的应用程序,例如前端使用Vue.js、React.js等MVVM框架开发SPA,服务器端使用Laravel开发并提供API给前端调用,本地化(国际化)的方法是,在域名层面添加语言代码子域,例如cn.vuejs.org、ja.vuejs.org分别显示中文Vue.js官网和日文Vue.js官网,主站vuejs.org默认英文Vue.js官网。 数据库也应该根据语言代码分库分表。

Laravel’s DB Facade Doesn’t Trigger Eloquent ORM Model Events

When using the DB facade to perform database operations in Laravel, Eloquent ORM model events like saving, saved, etc., are not triggered.

If you want to avoid triggering model events in event listeners or queued tasks, aside from using Eloquent’s saveQuietly, deleteQuietly, and similar methods, you can directly use the DB facade to execute database operations.

This approach allows you to bypass Eloquent’s event handling when necessary.

Laravel使用DB façade执行数据库操作不会触发Eloquent ORM模型事件

使用DB façade执行数据库操作不会触发saving、saved等Eloquent ORM模型事件。当我们不想在事件监听器或队列任务中触发Eloquent ORM模型事件时,除了使用Eloquent ORM模型的saveQuietly、deleteQuietly等方法之外,还可以直接使用DB façade执行数据库操作。

在Eloquent ORM模型事件监听器和队列任务中,要避免使用Eloquent模型增删改查方法,例如create、update、save等。否则会陷入调用死循环 —— 模型事件监听器分发队列任务,队列任务触发模型事件,模型事件监听器再次分发队列任务,队列任务再次触发模型事件……死循环了。

Modify and Persist Model Instances in Laravel Using the saved Event, Not the saving Event

In Laravel, don’t call the save method on a model instance inside the saving event listener.

If you need to modify a model’s field and persist it within a model event listener, make sure you’re using the saved event, not the saving event. This is particularly important when your event listeners are queued for asynchronous execution.

The saving event occurs before the model is persisted to the database. If you try to modify a field and call save() within this listener, it won’t actually persist to the database, especially when the listener is queued for async execution. For example, modifying the slug field might not actually update in the database.

Instead, use the saved event listener and call saveQuietly to persist the changes, as shown in the example:

static::saved(queueable(function (Topic $topic) {
    // If the slug is empty, translate the title into a slug
    if (!$topic->slug) {
        $topic->slug = app(SlugTranslateHandler::class)->translate($topic->title);

By using the saved event and saveQuietly, you ensure that your changes are made after the model is successfully persisted, avoiding any issues with asynchronous queue execution.




static::saved(queueable(function (Topic $topic) {
    // 如果slug字段无内容,就使用翻译器对title字段进行翻译
    if (!$topic->slug) {
        $topic->slug = app(SlugTranslateHandler::class)->translate($topic->title);

Learn a Marketable Skill

In your twenties, life can be tough. You might find yourself struggling in the workforce, dealing with PUA (Psychological Manipulation) from bosses, managers, or small business owners. You’re not making money, and you might blame your upbringing—coming from a poor family, lacking in material wealth, mental resources, and even knowledge. It’s not your fault, right?

But in your thirties or forties, if you’re still finding it hard to make ends meet, then the blame falls squarely on you. You’re not putting in enough effort, not being ruthless enough, and most importantly, you haven’t learned a skill that guarantees your survival. You’ve wasted too many years without picking up something practical.

By “skill,” I mean something that can be monetized—blue-collar jobs like welding, auto repair, hairdressing, cooking, forklift driving, or truck driving. Or white-collar jobs like programming, writing, sales, accounting, finance trading, or legal consulting. If you’re not a government official’s child or a rich heir, you’ll have to master at least one of these.

If you want both financial security and freedom—what people often call “making money while standing”—you need to acquire a marketable skill.

As a grassroots worker, if you depend on a specific boss, team, or organization to make a living, over time, you’ll develop an unhealthy dependency. You become their servant, at their mercy, afraid to even quit.

But if you’re living off a marketable skill, no one or organization can enslave you. Your skill is market-driven—if you’re unhappy with one company, you can quit and take a break. When you’re ready, you can join another company, or even start your own business.

Remember, happiness comes from freedom, and freedom comes from courage and perseverance.









Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks and Mitigation Methods

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is a malicious attack where an attacker injects harmful JavaScript code into a web page. When a user visits the page, the embedded JavaScript executes, allowing the attacker to target the user with malicious actions.

A common form of XSS attack is cookie theft. Websites often use cookies to identify users. If an attacker can execute JavaScript on a page, they can read and steal the user’s cookies. Once the attacker has access to the cookies, they can impersonate the user and log in to the website.

There are three primary ways to mitigate XSS attacks:

  1. Filtering User Input: Implement a “whitelist” approach to filter out potentially dangerous HTML tags and attributes. Only allow the tags and attributes deemed safe to be sent to the server, blocking everything else. This method helps prevent various forms of XSS attacks.
  2. Special Handling of Data: Use methods like PHP’s htmlspecialchars() to escape potentially harmful characters when rendering data on the webpage, ensuring that JavaScript code is not executed.
  3. Content Security Policy (CSP): Implementing a Content Security Policy (CSP) can help prevent XSS attacks by specifying trusted sources for content, restricting the execution of untrusted scripts.